Amazing Coordination

Filed under , by SGod88 on 9/25/2007 12:32:00 PM


Tell you what buddies, I got an amazing video from my church pastor from hometown.. It is the most amazing dance that I have ever seen!

Guys, just updating of myself. I have been very busy in studying oh, but is it a miracle? I can update my blog hoh!! Hehe.. No lah.. Actually I also have time to relax de, just something to be glorified upward..

Last week I had had my very first PC1433 Quiz (Mechanics and Waves). At first I was quite nervous cause i wanna do well in my first time.. So I kept on studying and applying my rule of studying before exam, SLEEP EARLY! and of course, some power of prayer.

Guess what, I got back my paper last Thursday. Surprisingly, I got an 'E'....... for Excellent! Woohoo.. I am so happy to know that.. Glory all to God!

This week is my recess week oh.. Strictly speaking, an 'assignment week'.. HahA! Really oh.. spend time doing assignment.. Hehe..

Hey catchup wit ya later on! Wanna continue my assignment lho.. Take care hoh! By the way.. Happy Mooncake Festival to all! Muacks! haha..
