Good newsSSS!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 12/25/2008 11:53:00 AM


Just want to release my joy here!
NUS result is out and I got an improved result! I am so happy, the whole family of mine joyfully celebrated with me, I really want to thank them for their supports all along when I was in Singapore and I want to thank God who give me strength during this period and stregthen me when I was weak. In the end, I can say that I am strong!

I also got accepted by Student Exchange to OSAKA UNIVERSITY JAPAN!! I am so happy for it!!!! I am COMING OSAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok.. Time to work hard again,
currently I am working on plans to improve Save3s for the next semester and practicing songs for Emerge 2009 on February 2009! The songs are difficult man... But I believe we as a band can perform in extraordinary result and bring excitement to the people!!!



COGS Xmas Outing

Filed under , by SGod88 on 12/22/2008 03:36:00 PM


On 18 Dec 2008, the music ministry of my church in Malaysia went out for an outing cum Farewell party with one of the member, Marianne.

We ate at Karl's Restaurant which has nice foods! Not only that, the staffs and waiters are kind and pleasing, just that the price is....... haha.. you know.. but that doesn't matter, what matters is the fellowship and experiences! Their values are immeasurable!

After that, we all went down to a Christmas Event and we had fun there taking photos!

I love you guys!


Hometown life

Filed under , by SGod88 on 12/13/2008 04:29:00 PM


It has been a while since I came back to Sandakan. Well, it was interesting, this time round, not only manage to meet back my old friends and loved ones. My relationship with everyone is strengthened even more..

This time round, what I brought back was not only me myself, but what I have learnt so far during the time I was in Singapore and I want to put them into practice!

Certain viewpoints for my life that I want to bring back and influence others are:
1) Think Positively
For this it would not be necessary for me to elaborate if you want to live your life to the fullest.

2) Speak Positively
For this, I want to stress that it is not only our thinking decides. What we say also play a part in our destiny! There is a power in our tongue, when we say good things, good 'elements' will be built up and subsequently, they will form a good 'product'!
Just want to take this opportunity to share to you about Dr. Masaru Emoto's experiment of water. He conducted this experiment and it was proven correct!

3) Act Positively
Of course, talk the talk is not enought. We must walk the walk! Murmuring, doing nothing, no motivation WILL NEVER EVER give you a good outcome!

This time round, I found that everyone, including me, has grown up and of course some have not. Nevertheless, I still want to do something and let them to grasp this principle.. Which I would like to call it the "4th Dimensional Principle". :)

See ya all in a bit!


Finished EXAM!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 12/03/2008 12:27:00 AM


Hey Minasan!

  I have finished my EXAM!!! Now relax!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha.. many things to update.. will write up very soon!
By the way, I will be going back Sandakan on Thursday! =)

Yeah~ Yipee~~~~


Most stressed day!!!!!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 11/12/2008 07:10:00 PM


Today was the most stressed day that I have ever had in NUS.. There are several things come up today. 

First of in the morning, ESP2106 Last lecture, Dr. Joshi has given us his last lecture and wished us good luck for the exam. Someh
ow I found that the course arrangement of Principle of Continua should be improved and worked on more. This is because the materials which we have studies were quite dispersed, not focused enough, I felt that sometimes we study stress, then after that jump to beam, and then back to Mohr's circle, etc.. But generally, I have learnt so much in this course, it is quite a fun course though!  試験について、きっと頑張る!

Second, 日本語2のプロジェクトガイドのPresentation... このプレセンテーシオンはとても楽しかった~ニック君はとてもいいヘルパーですよ!日本語も上手なんで、頭がよくて、ハンサムな人ですよ!ハハ~!

Thirdly, potato dryer design project presentation. It was good though, but we have done lesser research for the market, rather not extensive enough. Conceptionwise, it was good! Now we are left on writing the report! Last one to release the burden!!!!!!!!!!!

Exams coming soon! Asia Conference coming soon too! Let's work hard!


Special day...

Filed under , by SGod88 on 11/08/2008 09:26:00 AM


Yesterday was a special day for me.. 

1) Take home quiz - 
First and ever difficult. I had a continua TAKE HOME quiz which let us to do 24 hours. It sounds nice, but don't get deceived.. The level of difficulty is........
Finally I just made my best shoot.. Then go already.. =) Hope can get as high mark as possible!!!

2) TC Debate Competition
I had a wonderful debate session which enable me to think fast in times of dialogue USING JAPANESE!! haha~ I greatly enjoyed the session when we were arguing which each other.. The topic that I like the most is 成績は大切です. The 2 other topics were 安い食べ物よりおいしい食べ物大切です、シンガポールの男の子は髪が長くてもいいです。
For my point on the results are more important:

3) LAJ2201 Last lecture and surprise
It was the last lecture and I suddenly felt that I had gone through this much in my life in NUS, I was never thought that I would ever take a Japanese module in the first place during last semester! However, I just ended up in this journey, with many good sensei, good classmates, good tutors, good experiences. I really want to take this opportunity to thank my sensei. I should express in Japanese =)... 



斉藤先生、私を覚えたことがわかりませんが(Don't know if you remember me)、私は先生の教え方がとても好きです。いつもおもしろい話を話したり、レクチャーでみんなに教えてあげたり、レクチャーノートを作って送ったりしました。今から思い出したとき、とても感動だと思います。とてもありがとうございました。また日本語三で先生が教えてくれると思います。



先生たち、今までいろいろお世話になりました。お疲れ様でした!(Don't know if this is suitable for me to say this =))

This is the first time I am writing such a long paragraphs in Japanese.. Don't know if it is gramatically and structurally correct. But I hope that sensei and others who read it will understand.. Hehe..

Okok~ Exams are coming, projects are due soon, challenges come!!! Let's work hard!


Recent Life

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/30/2008 09:22:00 PM


Just got back from putting paper recycling boxes at YIH study room and libraries~!
Feel good and so happy to really contributed to the NUS community, I also feel so happy that the vice chair of SAVE, Zhirong, my Save3s member Zhou Yi  and my good friend, Shawn for helping me out! Without you guys, nothing can be done!

Really looking forward to monitor the usage of those paper boxes, hope that the NUS community will make good use of it! The unrecyclables/trashes will not be allowed in those places! =) 

So excited! Excited!!! AAAAahahahahaaaa~~~

Haha~~ Tomorrow will be Friday! Design Project is coming to an end, datas are getting done, report is in the process of finalizeing, COMSOL is doing well, design is going well, members are SO Productive! I really so happy that I have such 2 good members, Steven and Kriti in the design project group!!!!!

Tomorrow night! Cell group!!!!!! I am coming~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
See ya~~ do some Fourier Transform first! =)


Miniconcert FinishED!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/26/2008 08:05:00 PM


Hi all!

First of all~ Need to proclaim that... I have finished my concert! =) hehe!!

It was good!
I truly experienced a long lost feeling of jamming since I came Singapore.. haha! I am going to buy a 5-string soon! excited!!!!! S$215.. dunno if it is too expensive? haha..

Below is one of the song of my miniconcert (不可能错过你):



Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/25/2008 11:22:00 AM


I have sent an email on behalf of Save3s to my Japanese 先生 and I got a really good reply from her! She agreed with what we are doing and fully supported us with this project of submitting using double sided page of papers in submitting homeworks and darfts of presentations.

She even took one step forward, she mentioned that we can use used paper or previously submitted papers to submit students's assignment! I really feel encouraged to obtain supports from so many professors and I want to thank all my Save3s members who work together closely with me!

I also want to thank Kitai Sensei (北井先生) for supporting SAVE and proclaim that Japanese 2 module is an environmentally friendly module! =) 

Through this email, I also learnt a few new words! haha!
環境に優しい (かんきょうにやさしい) (Environmentally friendly)
裏紙 (うらがみ) (Double sided, backside of used paper)



Happy Birthday~!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/17/2008 03:28:00 PM


Today is my birthday! 

Hari ini ialah Hari Jadiku!

Thanks for the all the friends whom have given me blessings~! I am so happy~
Hope all of you have a happy year ahead!
still can't work out my COMSOL........
Tomorrow will be having the SAVE Cohesion Event, hope can have a nice day tomorrow! Having Japanese lecture at 4pm! See ya guys!



Updates and breakthroughs and blessings~!!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/16/2008 08:03:00 PM


Just want to take this time to really share my gratefulness of what had happened to me in this semester of my Year Two~

There was times which I was feeling down and living stressed and felt emptiness..
During July, I was intended to join some activities in school, so I came back to Singapore a little bit earlier ( like 3 weeks earlier).. Surprisingly, I found that I went back too late, most activities had started, that would imply that I could not join any activities... For a few days, I felt really down and clueless, just sleep, rest and my room.. nothing to do..
This is the time which breakthrough occurs in my life, I really want to thank God for opening opportunitieS to me after that. I managed to joined in Green Carnival 2008, a major environmental event in NUS, as event committee. After that, I am very pleased to have another opportunity to serve the NUS community and NUSSU SAVE as a project director of one of the project (Save3s, a project to reduce consumption of paper in NUS).

That was not all, I got successful in audition of being a bassist in NUS CAC VOICES, which I desired to have last year. Now I am preparing for our concert next friday.
Other than that, I am also very pleased to be given opportunity to be IT Secretary in Engineering Science Programme (ESP, my major)Sub Club.

Through these opportunities, I really got to know many peoples and friends in Singapore, which I never experienced during my first year. Now, I am very happy with this lifestyle and enjoying my studies here..

The studies are tough though, but to another extent, it is enjoying! I enjoy asking questions, enjoy doing projects with my group members. Love the things I am studying~!

Really want to take this chance to thank God and really want to record these things down somewhere. So that it can be remained in my memories and when I looked back, I will feel blessed and be grateful for the time I am having now..

Will update soon!
Gonna do my COMSOL modelling now.... =.=|||



AmaZinG catzz!!!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 7/28/2008 09:14:00 PM


Just came across with this funny video.. Just have a thought that catz are rEalLy strOnG!!!!!



Memorable moments..

Filed under , by SGod88 on 5/10/2008 04:27:00 PM


Hey guys just want to share to you my feelings when i watched back the video of Creation Youth in 2006.. I just felt touched and felt the presence of God.. That time really had a good time together and it was so memorable...

I really hope that Creation Youth in Sandakan will start to improve like never before!! Every member will start having commitment, having good attitude, having good mindset, and of course having blessed in every area of their lives!

By the way, to all Sandakan people!!! I'm coming back !!!! hohoo... 21 May will arrive~~~~~

Here is the videos (Part A & B):
Part A:

Part B:


To LAJ1201...

Filed under , by SGod88 on 4/30/2008 12:28:00 PM


Hi everyone, just want to write about my Japanese life after one semester..
Just for your info, I have taken a Japanese 1 module in NUS, it was basically an elementary language course for Japanese.. I am interested in Japanese and planning to go Japan for Exchange Programme, so I took this module..

The module has ended.. Now waiting for final exam..
Through all this, I really enjoyed the life with all of the people in LAJ1201 (My Japanese module code).
minasan! anatatachitoyishouniwatanashikatadesu! (It was so enjoying to be with you guys!)

I hope that we will still keep in touch! :) See you all in Japanese 2! また日本語2!



9 steps to overcome Procrastination

Filed under , by SGod88 on 4/12/2008 12:15:00 PM


Change is a desire for everyone. It is true that our situations won’t change by time. Our situations only change when our thinking starts to change. We should not be stagnant in life because being stagnant is implying that we are being backslidden. Therefore, we should change ourselves if we want our situations to change. But how do we bring changes to ourselves? One of the ways to bring change is to remember that when we want to get where we want to go, we should start where we are currently. Famous American author Napoleon Hill said, “The way to develop decisiveness is to start right where you are, with the very next question you face.” As a result, it is important for us to have decisiveness in our lives.

According to the definition in Oxford dictionary, decisiveness is the ability to decide something clearly and quickly. Yet another successful businessman Lee Iacocca said, “If I had to sum up in a word what makes a good manager, I'd say decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act.” Therefore, decisiveness is a crucial property to bring change.

However, things do not run smooth when we want to change. There is always enemy for everyone and everything, so is decisiveness. The enemy of decisiveness is ambivalence. Ambivalence is defined as the showing of both good and bad feeling about something. In other words, ambivalence is the constant fluctuation between two things. That implies that we cannot decide things fast and appropriately. With this enemy, a natural reaction will be following up, this reaction is procrastination.

With this opportunity, I would like to share 9 steps to overcome this problem of procrastination in our lives. First of all, we should

Activate our planner
If we fail to plan, we plan to fail. It is important to start everything by planning. A to-do list is a very effective planner because we can delete whatever thing we have done. We can easily check our progress and this can give us encouragement to carry on.

Break large tasks
When we are facing a large pile of documents to type, large amount of project to complete, a long essay to write and we don’t know where to start. It is good to start by breaking up part by part and finish each part in each period of time. This will truly lessen our pressure.

Create deadlines
It is important to create deadlines prior to the official deadlines. This can enable us to have time for editing and train up our time management skills.

Deal with the mess
Despite everything else, we should be well-organized. Do not get amazed by seeing a pile of works in a person’s office, it is nothing but implying that they are really NOT ORGANISED.

Encourage yourself
Say positive word to yourself instead of discouraging words. It gives no cost to encourage oneself.

Face your face
Don’t run away from the problem. Face it! The problem will not be solved until you choose to face it and solve it.

Goal review
It is important to have a goal review after every time we have completed some tasks. This can enable us to evaluate how good our works are. At the same time, it can be a source of encouragement too!

Hang on, don’t give up!
Even if we are facing a lot of things and we started to feel collapsed and desperate. We should not give up! Instead, we should always remember that this is a transition to success.

Initiate now!
After getting know of all of these plans and works. We should initiate, but we should not just initiate. We should initiate now!

I believe through all these, we will have victory over procrastination. At the meantime, I want to send all of you a blessing that you will be successful in everything you did! ( It is as easy as ABCDEFGHI right? :))


2008 -- New Beginning

Filed under , by SGod88 on 1/01/2008 11:48:00 AM


WIth a blink of eyes... 2008 has made its step toward us.. Can't really imagine that time really passed so swiftly, in 2007, I really went through a lot, happy experiences as well as unhappy ones, but I really appreciate this all.

With the commence of year 2008, it symbolises my new beginning of life. I am currently in my hometown - Sandakan. I will be back to my study place (Singapore) on 10 Jan. During these period, I really went through a lot, in studies, it is no doubt watsoever I faced pressure at the beginning of the term, and gradually I started to adapt myself in this very environment, my exam result really indicated that the statement is true. I am sure that in the next sememster, I WILL BE SUCCESS!

In friendship, I really thank God that I can settle my relationships during these periods, so that I can really concentrate in my studies and not keep something in my heart which makes me feel heavy and anxious about.

To my friend:
Thank you for the cares all along,
and I really appreciate the time I spent with you. There are so many to thank
and hope the year of 2008 will also be a new beginning for you too!!!

A lot has happened on 2007, from the time I step across the borderline of Singapore from JB, things started to work out accordingly, I have really grown up for sure. I really want to send my appreciation to especially these people: Aunty Stella Ong, Winston, Daddy & Mommy, Anna, Pastor Alan Lim, Archdeacon Moses Chin, Pastor Aaron (Kiun Lung), who cares for me and concern about me. You really played an important part to my life!

Thank you!!!

Let's start a new life from now on!!! MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!!
