Students from Osaka - Tatsumi Koji

Filed under , by SGod88 on 6/30/2009 03:12:00 PM


Last night 9pm:
Met with Peifeng to go to Changi Airport to fetch Mr. Tatsumi Koji from Japan, Osaka.

Mr. Tatsumi is a very nice person and man.. he is very good in body shape! He plays Judo!
He is quite funny and at first he didn't understand many things cause many things seems different from Japan.
For example,
- The mobile phone in Japan is actually an email client, when we said we want to buy a new phone number for him, he doubted and thought, ' What is the mobile number about?'. Then finally he realized that he actually has a new number. After buying the number, then we realized that Japanese phone could not be used in overseas, as in, foreign sim card cannot be used, it is locked.

After that, Gah Hung lent his phone to Tatsumi so that he could use the number.

After we left, it was already 12.40am, all of us felt tired probably but the joy in our heart after seeing Tatsumi was being taken care just overcome the physical tiredness.

I am looking forward to know more about him and hopefully..




Songs of Solomon: Stages of Relationship with God

Filed under , by SGod88 on 6/27/2009 10:44:00 PM


Thursday night just had a nice Bible Study Session of "Songs of Solomon" (雅歌) in church.

It was a great session~ I have learnt that there will be a few stages of the relationships of God with us;
1) Initial Love 起初的爱
Everything is easy in this stage. You are just like a little baby in front of God. You want to seek God and want him to bless you in this and that. You desire and long for God's presence in your life and bless you in every area of your life,

You are still self-centerd, not God-centered.

2) Faltering Love 怯懦的爱
In this stage, your love to God starts to grow. More challenges from God came to your life and you will struggling between God and yourself. God will call you to do greater things and greater commitment of your life to him, i.e. go out and work with Him.
You still haven't set your priority right between your things and God.

3) Growing Love 成长的爱
In this stage, you will start to accept the challenges given by God. You start to undergo trials and tribulations, the major ones, to really test the relationship between yourself and God. It is a stage whereby things start to getting harder and harder and you should learn how to rely and lean on God to get through this period of life.

4) Transforming Love 转变的爱
You decided to be commited in Christ. You experienced the work of the cross, start to deal with the penalty of sin; Being sanctified and dealt with the power of sin; and glorified to deal with the presence of sin. In this stage, you start to get into the field to work with God, people start to see the difference in you for your love to God. They will start and ask you about it and you will be able to speak of the things you know about God. This 'know' refers to ginosko, which means know in experience, not knowing in knowledge.

You start to serve God and serve people at which there is a very balanced life.

5) Mature Love 成熟的爱
In this stage, you will stop complaining about things which happen to your life, you starts to accept things and lean on God on those matters. Your life is totally on God's desire, you will follow God's desire in whatever you do.
Your love to God will also be so appealing and attractive to Him whereas He will start to be excited of your presence.

You are no longer self-centered, but God-centered.

For me, I think that the stage I was in when I started to listen to the series is: Faltering Love.
I started to feel God's challenge in my life, and struggling with the power of sin. I still have a problem in personal behaviour in my life sometimes. God has also called me to serve in Church and start to be commited in His ministry, he called me to serve as an usher, but I refused a few times, not commited in campus ministry. I kind of 'backslidden' from NUS CHC ministry.

Now, I think after the whole series, I grew to Growing Love stage. At which I want to bear the cross with him, start to experience trials and tribulations. I want to be the dearest person to God, I would want my life to be centered around Him. I want my life to be dependent on Him, I also want his Glory and light shine through me to the World.

I learnt to be broken in myself so that I could release my annointing and shine in the world.

Of course, my goal is to Transforming Love and ultimately Mature Love! I pray that my relationship with God could grow day by day and I want to love God day after day!




Morning Adventure

Filed under , by SGod88 on 6/25/2009 02:21:00 PM


Today is not an easy day for me in terms of going toilet!??

Since 11am, I had wanted to go to the washroom for a 'relief'..
At first, I went to the toilet at level 15, the toilet is occupied. Ok nevermind, I will go to the other toilet at the other side, it was so shocking to see that the toilet is OUT OF ORDER.
*Just a note: I would want to go to the cubicle with toilet bowls, I prefer sitting than crouching.

Having seen that, I was so fade up, just a toilet leh...... So I made all the way to level 14, the student cluster, to go to the TOILET!~

Just as I am going to the toilet with the heart of relief and joy, the muscle inside me was starting to loose out and ready to let all the things which needs to come out come ouT!
I entered the toilet and rushed to the cubicle.... IT IS OCCUPIED! GNAHHHHH!

At the end, I had no choice, but to go to the 'crouching' type cubicle...
This was my toilet-going experience. =)

Hope you enjoy~


Failure = Success?

Filed under , by SGod88 on 6/24/2009 04:59:00 PM


Today had a very good discussion with Dr.Xu, he told me not to be discouraged even the result obtained is not correct and it is a failure because of the incapability of ADINA software. He told me:" Sometimes failure is also a success." I am very much agree with this.

Sometimes we just kept thinking failure is failure. Failure means the end of your challenge, once you fail, you will never succeed; Once you fail, no one can help you and this is the end.
Failure is never final, and it is never fatal.

A successful person is not the person who never fails, but simply who doesn't quit!
Friends, nothing can be at the front of success except failure itself!

Now we have come into some solutions to the problems regarding how to solve it, and I forsee a successful result ahead!
I am quite inspired by what he said.

I found a scanner room in IHPC! I can scan documents real fast here~hweee~!


Perception of Beauty

Filed under , , by SGod88 on 6/20/2009 07:47:00 PM


Dear all,

I just got to watch this video about the perception of beauty.

Beauty is not the matter of outward appearance only, it is more than what you expect, it is skin deep. Be confident and do not let other people judge or define your beauty.

Beauty is created by you yourself, not by others.
