I know I can!!

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/15/2007 09:57:00 PM


Hey guys! I just got encouraged by the Special Olympic that will be held this year in China!
Special Olympic is an olympic event which is being held for the impaired persons and the disables..

I watched the mucis Video that was shooted in China of the Theme Song of this wonderful event last week: "I know I can!" by 孙楠 and 何耀珊..

I am really touched! How many of you know that we all can have a bright future? We are not being limited by our circumstances but by our mindset!
Whoever think he is, so is he!
Friends, let no circumtance be standing on our ways to limit our success! Be real and be bold in everything you do!

I know I can!


More than A Conqueror

Filed under , by SGod88 on 10/04/2007 09:46:00 PM


Hey guys.. You know what.. Sometimes we might complaint about our situations that we have so many obstacle, most of us feels negative with their lives.. But you konw what, actually we are not that suffering ya know?

Sometimes we just feel that we are the most misearble person in world ever have! I know you might tell me, ‘Hey wait fella, u dunno what am I going through, how dare you said so?'..
Yes, I don't know what you are going through, truly everyone has their own hardships and adversaries.. But you know what, no matter how we feel, no matter what attitude we use to deal with these circumstances, they just won't change! So, how should we deal with them?

Attitude is important, it determines the altitude! All of us want to be a conqueror for sure, I'm not refering to the conqueror that will conquer the world.. I mean the self-conquer.. The one who can guard their hearts are more than a conqueror!

Whta is more than a conqueror? How can one be more than a conqueror? Well, a conqueror can change their circumstances and beat them; but more than a conqueror means we successfully overcome the hardship EVEN THE CIRCUMSTANCES REMAINS!

Truly, this is a wonderful man, and HE IS MORE THAN THE CONQUEROR.. Nick Vujicic..

This is encouraging, friend, we WILL sure overcome what we can't overcome now.. Even he can do that, we not us!?
A more inspiring example! A dog without limbs...
