Most stressed day!!!!!
Filed under , by SGod88 on 11/12/2008 07:10:00 PM
Today was the most stressed day that I have ever had in NUS.. There are several things come up today.
First of in the morning, ESP2106 Last lecture, Dr. Joshi has given us his last lecture and wished us good luck for the exam. Someh
ow I found that the course arrangement of Principle of Continua should be improved and worked on more. This is because the materials which we have studies were quite dispersed, not focused enough, I felt that sometimes we study stress, then after that jump to beam, and then back to Mohr's circle, etc.. But generally, I have learnt so much in this course, it is quite a fun course though! 試験について、きっと頑張る!
Second, 日本語2のプロジェクトガイドのPresentation... このプレセンテーシオンはとても楽しかった~ニック君はとてもいいヘルパーですよ!日本語も上手なんで、頭がよくて、ハンサムな人ですよ!ハハ~!
Thirdly, potato dryer design project presentation. It was good though, but we have done lesser research for the market, rather not extensive enough. Conceptionwise, it was good! Now we are left on writing the report! Last one to release the burden!!!!!!!!!!!
Exams coming soon! Asia Conference coming soon too! Let's work hard!
こちらこそ お世話になりました。