Preparation to go Osaka

Filed under , by SGod88 on 2/11/2010 04:59:00 PM


It has 13 days left for me to go Singapore and 36 days left to Osaka!
Slowly getting excited!

Recently, I have been studying Japanese in Malaysia, though not as fast-paced as I did in Singapore. However, I just finished the "Minna No Nihongo Beginner Level". However, here comes more challenges!

The more I know about Japanese, the more I realize what I don't know. As a result, I have to start to proceed to the next level of my studies. Going to Intermediate level and equipped myself with Technical Japanese.

Not only that, I also need to spend time to study about Nanophysics which I will be taking during the SEP in Osaka University.

Hopefully by the time I go Singapore, the CESR will be ready and everything will proceed from there.
Accommodation will be settled, JASSO Scholarship will be successfully obtained, waiting to have a great experience in Osaka!

SGod88 (Franco)

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