Fellowship and Locked-out

Filed under , by SGod88 on 7/12/2009 10:11:00 PM


Had a great fellowship today with Cell Grp and Koji.. =)
Hope that Koji enjoyed it too~
Next time we will go Yoshinoya, Bugis, etc to buy things~!

He likes Yoshinoya very much, “どこででも味が同じだ” (The taste is the same whenever you go). I didn't know that Plaza Singapura has Yoshinoya so we didn't manage to go there to have dinner.
According to original plan, we were supposed to be going to Bugis Junction to buy some cheap things. =)
At the end we all went down to Somerset for shopping and walking around.
During the period, I have learnt many Japanese from him:
1.もてもてする - Welcomed by girls/guys
2.もたもたする - Slow and inefficient, hesitate
3.間接(かんせつ)- Indirectly
4.… - Mushroom
I should have brought a notebook to note down all the words learned, can't remember so much. (T_T)

Today after I went back home I am so shocked that I locked-out myself (T_T)..... I wanted to go to bathroom so I locked the door inside and then FORGOT to bring the key outside!!!! Yaaaah........ >.<.....

Have to find RA to unlock for me, thank God for meeting some RA whom I know. If not really embarrassed, I was wrapped by only towel and nothing else...

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